Fulfillment of your Life's Purpose

Blog with Live Gold Coaching

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Fulfillment of your Life's Purpose

Fulfillment of your life's purpose.

More often then not the vast majority of society continues to go in circles when it comes to their goals. One major reason is because they simply lack direction and are easily distracted. Another is they do not have a Performance Coach.

Although awareness of a specific desire might sneak in from time-to-time, it's generally short lived until the next New Year's Resolution.

Every October I like to take some additional time and reflect on the current years progress in preparation for the last quarter of the year.

How will you finish 2015?
What shape will you be in to receive the New Year?.. financially, physically, spiritually, emotionally?

Take a moment today to answer those questions for yourself. Allow your answers to become the foundation of your next journey. Commit to making a shift from "More of the Same" to Results Beyond Record and never forget how truly unique you are when actively creating your life.